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Speaking Engagements – Key Note, Seminars & Workshops

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Market Vision’'s directors & associate consultants have travelled around the world for seminars and speaking engagements on various topics associated with the company’'s business. They have spoken to groups large and small, from as few as 30 to as many as 500. 


Topics are chosen by the organization, or we can make recommendations after we learn a little bit about your organization and the purpose of the presentation. Sessions can vary from 30 minutes to 2 hours, and can be booked for in-house presentations, conferences or other public events. We also conduct half-day and full day workshops on a diverse range of topics.


Past topics have ranged from entrepreneurship and marketing basics to strategic marketing and sustainable tourism. 


Some of the specific topics and the target audience include:

•Using market research to grow your business – addressing SMEs

•Introduction to the Tourism Industry – addressing School & University Students

•Entrepreneurship – addressing potential entrepreneurs

•An Expert Approach to Brand Management – addressing conference delegates 

•Travel & Tourism – Insights, Trends & Strategy - addressing conference delegates

•e-Tourism Trends & Strategy – addressing conference delegates

Sustainable Tourism Makes Business Sense – addressing conference & trade event delegates

•Impact of Sustainability Initiatives on Customer Choice – conference & trade event delegates


Workshops are available and can be customized on similar and other topics for in-house events and training, as also for external programs.

Call: +9714-3911241


Website: complete the contact form below and send us. 

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