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Tourism and hospitality

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Our tourism and hospitality consultants & associate global partners have in-depth experience in various aspects of tourism development and hotel & restaurant operations, developed over decades of professional work experience in the industry.


Our services include:

  • Research & intelligence

  • Inbound tourism research

  • Outbound tourism research

  • Destination marketing

  • Country brand valuation

  • Visitor services

  • Strategy & business plan

  • Sustainable tourism

  • Cultural & heritage tourism

  • Eco-tourism development

  • Communication strategy

  • e-business for tourism

  • Tourism training

  • And more.....


Travel Trade Barometer



The UAE is one of world's largest outbound travel market in terms of travel expenditure. It is vital for destinations to keep track of travel trends and competitor activity, in order to plan their marketing and promotion strategies for this lucrative market.


We produce an ongoing travel trade tracker that monitors booking trends and projections on a quarterly basis. 


Travel Beacon, UAE Outbound Trade Trade Barometer, is a timely, efficient and affordable program that helps destination management organizations, hotels and other stakeholders in the travel industry to stay informed about the UAE travel market. To know more, contact us.

Reports on Tourism



Market Vision publishes reports on inbound and outbound tourism on behalf of various stakeholders in the hospitality and tourism industry worldwide.


We are also commissioned by tourism ministries and national tourism organizations, destination management companies and other stakeholders in the industry to develop market specific reports.


Our reports provide trend analysis, policy guidelines and marketing strategy recommendations for gaining market share of tourism volume and value for destinations.

Impact on Tourism



What is the impact of the ongoing poltical situation on inbound and outbound tourism in the MENA region? What are the long term implications and how do destinations address these issues?


What is the economic impact of cultural and sporting events hosted by destinations? How sustainable are these events and what are the implications of capacity building after major events on local tourism?


Our studies address these and several other issues that are important for sustainable tourism in this highly competitive industry.

Trends in Tourism



The travel & tourism industry is a dynamic industry. Ever-changing market conditions require regular and timely inputs from the travel trade and the travellers.


With increasing competition, for tourism destinations and travel suppliers, it is becoming increasingly vital to stay on top of developing trends in key target markets, understand awareness and demand for different travel products, travel motivations and barriers  etc.


Our trend reports provide the necessary information and insights to help you make informed business decisions.

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